- IT areas are responsible for managing the cloud, but the task can be so big that they need the right partner to take advantage of these technologies.
More and more organizations have started it´s trail to Digital transformation.
Nowadays, especially after the pandemic, CloudHesive knows that companies can no longer ask if they need to digitally transform our business, we know if there is a need, we are now beyond that question.
During his conference Revolution and Talent, Leonardo Bracco, Executive Director CloudHesive LATAM, will explain why companies have to migrate towards digitization and implement innovations to provide a new user experience.
In the talk, which will be given during the Digital Forum Transformation of the 7th America Digital Latin American Congress Business & Technology 2022, the director will explain how to build the processes to better navigate the road to innovation, how to develop and assemble the fundamental pillars and talent management necessary to maintain it.
The importance of UX
Today IT managers must be focused on UX and how to explode to it maximum all potential Cloud offers to make more competitive its companies. They need to make them more productive and efficient with less costs.
But while moving to the cloud offers uncountable benefits, there’s a lack of knowledge of the potential that the cloud can offer to a business. Without help, it can be extremely difficult to gain strategic insight into how to manage and empower the business.
Managing the cloud is part of the IT area responsibilities. But managing the cloud can be an excessively demanding task if your IT team does not have the right knowledge or capacities. Under this context it could become the only task that the area could perform, if we talk about the number of hours that must be invested.
Today it is essential that the IT managers can take their eyes off the cloud and focus on boosting the business, planning and scaling the infrastructure to provide what is necessary to make the business more competitive.
The right partner
Managing your digital infrastructure can be heavy lifting. It’s critical then to find partners for managing services in the cloud. For choosing a good partner, it is first important to know what we should expect or ask for.
A good partner will present a proposal that allows you to take care of the infra. You should look for a partner that can offer you the peace of mind of not having to deal with emergencies, and the security of focusing your technology teams on the business, allowing your company to be more competitive every day.
Also, you need to find someone that has real experience and knowledge of managing the services your IT area needs to look after in the cloud. Finally (at least for this article), you should look for a partner that is willing to generate “spirit on the cloud” on your team

In CloudHesive we put our extensive experience and knowledge available so you can value your business, forget about the cloud, we take care of it!
With our Managed Services solution we can manage your workloads and applications from end to end, from your cloud services to your applications, filling the gaps that your own resources may have and eliminating the risk of operating in isolation.
Our practice provides service management for comprehensive coverage. We help you excel in the cloud without spending time and money on drudgery without added value. Our team of experts is backed by our processes, skills, and more than 130 AWS certifications.
Ready to boost your business in the cloud? Discover how Cloudhesive can help www.cloudhesivelatam.com
Visit Cloudhesive’s booth at the 7th America Digital Latin American Congress 2022 and learn about the solutions offered to your company. Buy your tickets here