The America Digital C-Level Forum Artificial Intelligence for Business & Digital Transformation is aimed at CEOs, CDOs, CIOs, CTOs, CISOs, CMOs, CFOs, General Managers, IT professionals, Marketing, eCommerce, and Innovation leaders spearheading digital transformation in major companies across Latin America, collectively representing over US$1 billion investment in digital transformation projects.
Who will lead the era of Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation: CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, CMOs, or CDOs?
Connect with C-level executives (CEOs, CTOs, CMOs, CIOs, CDOs, CISOs) from the 1000 largest corporations in the Americas; Retail, Banking, Telecom, Tourism, Services, Transport, Media, Industry, Mining, Manufacturing, Health, Education, and international speakers who will provide you with strategic-operational insights, success stories addressing the following topics: