In the last two years, society has experienced many changes in every aspect, especially companies with the acceleration of digital transformation, which have been faced with the need to implement new technologies to optimize work, time and resources. Being the Internet the main solution applied. That’s the reason why we want to highlight that in
In the last 20 years we have lived the e-commerce revolution in people’s lives, since the beginning when companies sought to convince consumers that buying over the internet without seeing / picking up / feeling would be feasible, buying a sneaker without trying it on? Today, where digital shopping is often the first option, it
The pandemic has ratified the claim that Jabra held years ago that “work” is no longer a place to go, it is an activity that is carried out from anywhere. New ways of working must be accompanied by technology to equip executives with tools that allow them to collaborate with other workers anytime, anywhere. Anahí
Latin America is poised to adapt blockchain technology and is working with one of the world's pre-eminent blockchain solutions, Avalanche, to advance numerous industries, including Entertainment and Government use cases.