Mariano Urman (Argentina), Sales Engineering Director LATAM Microstrategy /

#GenAI #analytics #datadriven

Mariano Urman is Director of Sales Engineering for LATAM at MicroStrategy. Mariano has a degree in Administration and Systems from the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires (ITBA) and has worked at MicroStrategy since 2005, where he held different leadership positions in areas of professional services and commercial team. He has more than 20 years of experience in Analytics projects, in various industries, throughout Latin America.


GenAI in Action: Transforming Data into Strategic Decisions for Businesses

In this conference, we will explore how the innovative technology of Gen AI is revolutionizing the way companies manage and analyze their data. From generating insights to identifying hidden patterns, generative AI is transforming raw data into actionable intelligence. Through practical examples and case studies, we will discover how these tools are empowering companies to make more informed strategic decisions, increase operational efficiency, and stay ahead in a constantly changing market. Join us to explore how generative AI is driving digital transformation in the field of business analytics.