#MachineCustomers #AI #DigitalCommerce
Iván Darío Suárez is the CEO and co-founder of Nivanta Consulting, a digital acceleration firm specializing in transforming data into strategic value for decision-making. With deep expertise in digital transformaঞon, advanced analytics, and automation, Iván has led high-impact projects across sectors such as construction, energy, and telecommunications. His hands-on experience in optimizing operations and enhancing
competitiveness has positioned Nivanta as a trusted and visionary partner for companies aiming to innovate and excel in the digital era.
Machine Customers “Custobots”: The Future of Industry and Digital Commerce
This session explores the phenomenon of Machine Customers or “Custobots,” autonomous systems driven by AI, RPA, and IoT, conducting transactions on behalf of individuals or companies. These digital agents are revolutionizing sectors such as retail and finance, where smart devices and bots manage inventories and optimize investments automatically. As we advance towards an M2M (Machine-to-Machine) economy, Custobots bring both efficiency and personalization opportunities along with ethical and regulatory challenges. The session will cover the transformative impact of these digital customers, showcasing current use cases and the strategic benefits of their implementation.