Francisco Lecaros (Chile), President Fundación Minera de Chile /

#Industry4.0 #TechnologicalRevolution #InnovationLatam

Francisco Lecaros is a corporate director and business advisor, recognized as a key leader in Chile’s mining ecosystem. He has extensive experience in business management, public policy, commercial strategy, and institutional relations across Chile and LATAM. He is a Member of the Civil Society Council of the Ministry of Mining and serves as Executive President of Fundación Minera de Chile. An Ambassador for NET Zero Circle’s Zero Emissions initiative and an international speaker, he mentors mining-related startups and promotes sustainable industry through his foundation.

Panel How to establish industry 4.0 in Latam through emerging technologies

This panel will explore how IoT solutions and emerging technologies are driving the development of industries across the region. Experts will discuss the importance of leveraging data as a key to monetizing IoT investments, and how businesses can maximize the value of their technological infrastructure. Additionally, the panel will address the critical role of expanded connectivity in achieving business objectives and meeting growth targets.  

Real-world success stories from countries, industries, and companies implementing IoT will be shared, showcasing practical applications and the tangible impact these technologies have had on enhancing operational efficiency and enabling innovation. This session will provide valuable insights into how IoT is shaping the future of regional industries and helping companies stay competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape