Borja Castelar (Spain), Trainer, Instructor Linkedin Learning /

#AI #SoftSkills #FutureJobs

He is an official author and instructor at LinkedIn Learning, where he designs and produces sales and leadership courses, with over half a million students.

Former Director at LinkedIn, where he led the Talent Solutions division for nearly

a decade. During that time,he was recognized as the world’s top sales professional.

He is one of the fastest-growing speakers, having conducted over 300 conferences in 20 countries. He is the author of the international bestsellers “Boost Your Persuasion” and “Your Future Job.”


The Future of Talent in the Era of AI

This conference will delve into the topic of change and how to embrace it in this new era of work. The presentation will introduce three key actions to thrive in a world dominated by AI.

We will also analyze the significance of human skills, commonly known as soft skills, and explore the most sought-after soft skills in today’s market. Additionally, we will discuss strategies to enhance and transform our work environment.

The final bonus topic will cover strategies for retaining new talent.