Tom Gregorchik (USA), VP Industry Strategies Blue Yonder /

#DigitalTransformation #SupplyChain

  • Tom is a VP of Industry Strategy at Blue Yonder where he focuses on the Consumer Goods, Food & Beverage, and Grocery Industries in helping customers and prospects unlock value across their enterprise.  Tom has over 20 years of experience in supply chain technology spanning category management, supply chain planning, integrated business planning, supply chain execution & visibility, sales planning, trade promotion planning, and retail execution. 


How Supply Chain leaders have to adapt in the age of AI?

90% of technology executives are preparing their teams for the AI-driven supply chain, but how should they adapt and what implications should leaders consider as they reorganize for an AI-driven future?

Join this session, where Tom Gregorchik will share how to adopt and apply AI models for your supply chain and business operation, as well as the impact of these on your processes, organizational structure and business outcomes.