Carlos Tunes /

Carlos Tunes (Brasil)
Watson IoT Latin America Executive, IBM

Conference Title:
Who is Watson?
How can help you with your business?
Applied IOT Cognitive & Business Transformation

Cognitive IoT changed the way we live, how we relate and how we are doing businesses today. Understanding the “value chain” of IoT along with the potential offered by Cognitive Computing generates differentiation and benefits for companies and governments. Carlos Tunes from Brazil will share his IBM experience at Cognitive IoT as companies from different verticals and governments are applying these technologies, lessons learned, success stories and strategic keys on how to get started applying Cognitive IOT to your business.

Carlos Tunes is an engineer with MBA in Business Management, with 32 years of experience in technology applied to business. Worked at various segments such Automotive, Chemical, Health, Industrial, Oil&Gas and Government, providing EAM solutions, IoT, Supply Chain, Big Data & Analytics and Cognitive Solutions on Latin America market. Since 2007 in IBM, working as Asset Management Executive in Latin America, Big Data & Analytics Executive in Brazil and currently Latin America Watson IoT Executive.