Andres Araya Falcone /

Andres Araya Falcone
CIO of Bolsa de Comercio of Santiago

Panel Blockchain

Engineer, Graduated in Financial Risk Management and in Improved Finance Management, MBA from the Pontifica Universidad Católica of Chile.
+28years of experience in the Stock Market, the last 18 years as CIO of Bolsa de Comercio of Santiago. Responsible for IT Strategy of BCS and CCLV Contraparte Central.
As part of his missions, he works with traders, Hedge Funds and Stock Exchange Institutions, either regional or international, supporting the development of the Market and of the Primary Information Systems, implementing the latest Innovative Technology Systems. Through the year 2016-2017, he leaded the initiative to use Blockchain for the BCS implementing the Securities Lending Chain Repository Project in collaboration with IBM.
-Leader FIAB (Ibero-American Stock Exchange Federation) Task Force Technological Committee (2008 – 2013).
-Leader MILA (Latin American Integrated Market) Technological Committee (2010 – 2013, 2016- …).
-Member of IBM WebSphere Board of Advisors (2011 – …).
-Professor of Finance at Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile, MTIG – Master Information Technology & Management, from 2010 in Santiago of Chile.
-Professor of Strategy & TIC, Graduated in TIC Management, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, from 2016 in Santiago of Chile.