Alejandro Couce /

Alejandro Couce (Argentina)
VP Latin America & Caribbean Region of Vindicia

#Subscription Billing and Recurring Payment Solutions

Conference title:
7 succesful habits to monetize subscriptions

Companies from different verticals are trying to capitalize the subscription economy.  We will review Vindicia’s perspective on some of the best practices to make the best out of this new trend.

Conference Summary
When it comes to monetize subscriptions, companies need to think in how to attract new subscribers, how to increase the revenue per subscriber and also how to retain those subscribers to maximize what we call the Average Lifetime Customer Value.

Alejandro is responsible of leading Vindicia’s businesses in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America while dealing with global customers like DirecTV, BBC, NBA, NFL, Vimeo,, Yahoo, Next Issue Media (Forbes, National Geographic, Cosmopolitan, People, Time, Newsweek).

Alejandro played several regional leadership roles at companies like Deutsche Bank, Accenture, PeopleSoft/Oracle, Amdocs & Sigma Systems. 

He authored the chapter of electronic commerce in the book “Management in the XXI Century” (edited by Granica sponsored by Arthur Andersen) and co-authored the book “The e-client” (sponsored by Telefonica)